Eleven-year-old Warwick girl died of natural causes, concludes inquest - The Stratford Observer

Eleven-year-old Warwick girl died of natural causes, concludes inquest

Stratford Editorial 17th Jun, 2024   0

AN INQUEST has concluded that an 11-year-old girl from Warwick died of natural causes after being sent home from hospital diagnosed with constipation.

Annabel Greenhalgh, who was a pupil at Alcester Grammar School, was found dead by her father the day after being sent home from Warwick Hospital in October 2022.

A post-mortem examination showed she died of a suspected cardiac arrest, an inquest was told.

The South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust expressed its “heartfelt” condolences to the family and apologised for any decisions that caused additional distress.

Annabel visited Warwick Hospital A&E complaining of abdominal pain. She died on October 14 – one day later.

Dr Richard Britain, the assistant coroner for Coventry and Warwickshire, heard she had been born with a bowel condition and had undergone several operations.

She had spent several weeks in hospital in Birmingham after being born prematurely to correct a small bowel atresia (blockage), then again in 2016 for a malrotation of the bowel.

Her parents broke down in tears as they gave evidence. Her father said he found her on the bathroom floor in the morning and attempted CPR.

Annabel was then taken to Warwick Hospital, who tried to resuscitate her but she was declared dead.

In a joint statement, parents Josie and Craig said: “To lose Annabel in the way we did will haunt us forever.

She was our beloved girl and for her to be taken away so suddenly and cruelly is something we’ll never get over.

“To this day, we still wake up and it takes us a moment to remember what’s happened, then the horror and devastation hits us like a truck. No parent should ever outlive their child. To think we’ll never get to celebrate landmarks in life such as Annabel passing her exams, getting married or having children of her own is hard to accept.

“To relive everything again at the inquest has been very tough for both of us, but we’re grateful that we at least have some answers now.

“We would give anything to have Annabel back in our lives – we miss her love and enthusiasm so much – but we know that can’t happen. All we can hope for now is that no other family has to go through what we have.”

A spokesperson for SWFT said: “On behalf of South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust, we express our heartfelt condolences to Annabel’s family and friends.

“We apologise for any actions and decisions that have caused additional distress.

“The investigations undertaken since Annabel’s death highlighted a series of recommendations and extensive learning for the Trust. We can provide full assurance that these have been implemented.”

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