Tips to Write a Perfect Essay for University in 2023 - The Stratford Observer

Tips to Write a Perfect Essay for University in 2023

Stratford Editorial 1st Nov, 2023   0

The education of a modern student is multi-stage and includes self-education – one of the forms of individual cognitive activity of a student, i.e., independent study of the material received in the lesson. An essay is one of the most common types of writing assignments for university students. Working on an essay allows the student to learn how to correctly and briefly state the essence of the material being studied.

For a student, an essay is an opportunity to speak on any topic that interests them because an essay is a reflection on what they heard, read, or viewed. Despite the free form, writing an essay is not at all easy since you need to find an original idea (even on traditional material) and a non-standard view of a particular problem. If you want to make the process easier, choose an experienced service to pay for essays. A professional writer will research your topic, write and format a paper correctly, and edit it.

Tips for writing a perfect essay

  1. Study material.

The purpose of writing an essay is to demonstrate that you are fully immersed in the course material and discover independent thinking. When developing the topic of an essay, remember that at the draft stage, discussion and analysis can lead you from one interesting problem to another, while you can completely move away from the original topic.

To prevent this from happening, periodically stop writing and refresh the topic of the essay in your memory. Its meaning will probably become clearer. Ask yourself what’s new about the challenge you’re setting yourself. Try to approach writing an essay as a real opportunity to get in touch with the material being studied, to think intently about the chosen topic, and to formulate your own ideas.

An essay should be taken as an opportunity to challenge yourself and contribute to the current scientific discussion on your chosen topic. A successful essay involves developing and formulating your own questions about the issues raised in the literature. You will want to write an essay at the same time that you are seeking and articulating your own interest in its subject.

2. Identify a topic and consider its relevance

Sometimes you can experience what is usually called writer’s block. This is a state when we look at the task and read it again and again, but at the same time, we cannot continue to work or start writing. However, the process of writing an essay includes a number of steps. If you find that you don’t know how to start writing an essay, then it may be because you missed some important step.

You may be trying to come up with a thesis before narrowing down the topic. The topic of the essay should be focused and specific enough so that consistent arguments can be made on it. Read your main sources, and then, keeping the task in mind, go through them again, looking for passages that are directly related to the given topic. When you find a passage of an interest, write down why you thought it was important. If you don’t do this, then later you may forget about its importance.

Annotate some of the most interesting points. Write down your ideas, opinions, and comments. Fix your thoughts on paper; later, you will begin to organize and combine them. Try to exclude those ideas that do not fit the topic of your essay at all. Look at what other authors have said; this will allow you to understand the possible counter-arguments to your developing idea. When taking notes, be sure to quote all the information in full. This is easier than going back to the source material later and figuring out where you got a particular quote from or being unable to find it.

3. Write a draft adhering to the optimal structures.

4. Analyze what was written.

5. Read your essay aloud.

Read your essay aloud to pick up some issues that your eye may miss. If something seems problematic to you, don’t hush it up.

6. Make sure all your words are important to the argument.

Are all your words and phrases necessary? Do not say in three sentences what can be said in one, and do not use 14 words instead of five. Strive to ensure that each word in your sentence adds as much meaning and intonation as possible.

7. Beware of using words and phrases that are stilted, pompous, or jargon.

Sometimes, trying to appear more confident, authoritative, or sophisticated, we fill our text with such words and phrases. If you find yourself choosing certain expressions because you think they will be impressive, think about it.

8. Make sure you don’t quote too much.

Try to quote only the most important, illustrative, or eloquent material. Quoting too often hides your own thoughts from readers.

9. Check the style, literacy, construction of the written, and consistency of the presentation.

10. Commas and semicolons.

If you don’t know the rules about commas and semicolons, try the following: read one of your sentences out loud and see where you naturally stop and where you take a breath. If it’s a short pause, as it was in the previous phrase, you need a comma.

In case it is a longer pause but not a full stop, you’ll probably need a semicolon; remember that everything following the semicolon must stand on its own, as a complete sentence, like this. If you don’t want your reader to pause anywhere, don’t put a comma there because it’s very hard to understand what you’re saying.

Your text should not cause the reader to hyperventilate from the constant shallow breaths that excessive punctuation requires. And they shouldn’t choke at the end of an unpunctuated sentence.

11. Always spell abbreviations before using them.

12. Make sure all your links are clear.

When you use the words “he” or “she,” will your reader have to pause to understand who these people are?

13. Correct the shortcomings and write a final version.

Essay writing mistakes

  • The essay takes the form of a research paper.
  • A topic that is too broad for discussion is chosen, which makes it impossible to cover the topic in a limited way.
  • Lack of logical presentation.
  • Lack of substantiation of facts.
  • A small number of arguments.
  • Lots of redundant information.

Follow these tips for writing a perfect essay.

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