How games can affect your health - The Stratford Observer

How games can affect your health

A stereotype has long been formed in society that if a person actively pays attention to games, then he not only wastes his time, but also causes great harm to his health.

In fact, this is not so – games, of course, can be harmful if the player himself neglects his sleep pattern and does not engage in physical activity, but the gaming industry has significant advantages, which we will discuss in this article.


The first and main argument of many fighters from the gaming industry is their harm to vision.

In fact, games do not fall in love with the quality of your vision, and in some places they can improve it, we will give examples.

Visual impairment

Previously, games really harmed vision, but the problem lay not in the format of entertainment itself, but in the technique that was used at that time. Older and larger monitors had flickering screens and very poor picture quality, which constantly affected the eyes and led to a decrease in the quality of vision.

In the modern industry, good monitors and high-quality pictures are used, and even gamers with a small budget for equipment and a cheap monitor are practically not affected by any factors that can affect vision.

Therefore, you should not worry, and you can safely play your favorite FIFA and buy FC 24 coins without remorse, but watch your sleep pattern – this is much more important than monitors and other equipment.

Vision improvement

Many games can, on the contrary, help you improve your eyesight by strengthening your eye muscles, or keep them from weakening due to age and stress.

In ophthalmology, there is a good exercise that helps keep the muscles of the eyes in good shape, called closer, medium, farther.

You need to look at an object near, at a medium distance and at a distance for several minutes. Doesn’t it remind you of anything? Most games have the dynamics of objects exactly at such distances, which is especially noticed by shooter players. Thus, if you play on modern technology, then on the contrary, you unconsciously help your vision.

True, it is worth considering the recommended distance to the monitor and not getting too close.


All players who play active and competitive games develop their reactions.

Consider an example on the well-known to many CS GO, or 1.6.

What is their main concept? Quickly notice the enemy and, with a well-aimed and accurate movement, aim at the sight and make a shot before your opponent does.

The reaction is pumped over, for someone it is naturally fast, and someone needs to train it, but this is a very important parameter that will help in real life, for example, when driving a car.

It is worth clarifying that the reaction is not only the speed of decision-making, but also their accuracy and correctness. It’s not enough just to quickly aim at the enemy in the game, you need to kill him with a well-aimed shot, and constant practice will develop this skill. There are many videos on the net of how professional esportsmen play out before important matches.

You can see what they train:

  • Reaction.
  • Accuracy.
  • Speed.

Gamers always follow the best representatives of their favorite game, as fans of these sports follow football and basketball players.

Using the example of a professional, many, including young gamers, monitor their performance and learn, improving their health and vision.

Health problems and ways to solve them with active gaming

If a person spends too much time playing games, he can really start to have health problems, but you should not blame the industry for this, like films that supposedly teach smoking and other entertainment content.

Gaming is entertaining, but each player is responsible for their own health.

Main problems:

  • Back pain
  • Little physical activity
  • Weakness and lethargy
  • Unwillingness to be interested in the outside world.

Back pain

This problem is seen in some gamers who spend a lot of time at the PC without breaks and use uncomfortable chairs or backless stools. The back, without getting support and normal rest, just starts to hurt, stoop and bring discomfort.

The problem is solved by a good gaming chair, which is now very much in online stores.

By ordering this, you will receive back support, pillows for the neck and lower back and greatly help your body relax, and you will get more pleasure from gaming sessions.

Choose a good leather substitute – it’s better than fabric, comfortable and not as expensive as real leather.

Little physical activity

You need to play sports regardless of your hobbies and perform at least minimal activity to maintain health.

Do a warm-up in the morning, walk down the street, go to the gym and sit on a comfortable chair and then your body will thank you.

You can always buy a treadmill at home and play sports while watching streams.

Weakness and lethargy

The most important problem for many gamers is sleep and daily routine.

Most players prefer to play at night when there are fewer other gamers and no one bothers to enjoy the gameplay either inside or outside, which can lead to sleep disturbance and a wall of problems that will only accumulate.

In fact, not only the quality of sleep is important, but also its quantity – sleep at least 7 hours to allow the body to fully recover, do exercises and play sports and you will almost never have lethargy and fatigue. You can even play at night, provided that after you have a good sleep, which will be at least 7 hours, but not more than 9, otherwise the weakness will get to you due to oversleeping.

Unwillingness to be interested in the outside world

Many gamers go to the virtual world not because of interesting gameplay, but because they feel more comfortable there than in the real world.

This is influenced by complexes, problems with parents, social status and other psychological problems.

Ideally, solve such problems with a professional psychologist who will be useful to all people without exception and does not divide them into categories, making gamers somehow different.

There is nothing wrong with loving games, it is bad when it takes your whole life without any integration in the community.

You can’t completely escape from reality – you still need to earn money, build relationships and find friends, and games serve only as a hobby – like books or films.

Start socializing a little, buy new clothes, find and visit your favorite coffee shop, find friends, or a soul mate in dating apps.

It is important to want to be a part of the society, since this is how human nature works, and then you yourself will regulate in what format your interaction with people will look like.

Many, by the way, because of this, go to MMO RPGs like World of Warcraft and there they learn and train how to communicate with people and then transfer skills to the real world.

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